Hi! I’m Delaine Allen. As an trainer, minister, coach, and author, it is my aim to prepare people for their life’s calling in God’s purposes.
Content and courses will be continualy added to this site as I and my team hope to make it rich and interactive for your empowerment, interaction, and enjoyment.
You can also connect with me on social media. Just follow the links. You know what to do!

“They will volunteer freely in the day of Your power”
What are we about?
Our aim is to raise up an company of people who will succeed in bringing transforming positive impact into society:
They will see the world through a Kingdom perspective with the eye of faith for change. They see that the earth is the Lord’s and the nations are His inheritance. They will see by heavenly revelation.
They are committed for purpose.
They know the voice and ways of God, are established in the Word, able to manifest the substance of the Word into human experience.
They are transformed in character and developed in soul. They know their unique callings and God-given gifts.
They collaborate in their spheres of influence and across barriers of culture, race, gender, and denomination. They are unhindered by fear; they will advance on any place or position to which they are assigned.
They speak with authority; they manifest heaven in the supernatural. They know and manifest the presence of God in His love.